Guía de Atención a Personas Migrantes: Mediación Sanitaria Intercultural

Visual Thinking With Renault Group Car

EFH WORKSHOP Kenya Visual Thinking

16th European Platform for Roma Inclusion under the Spanish Presidency of the Council of the Union

Live Drawing “The GreenHouse Challenge” Online Workshop

"Múltiple Myeloma" Visual Thinking Animated Video

Card game design Training "Organisational Design"

"Strong Teams Talk About Elephants" Poster and social media illustrations

"Daylight Awareness Week" online drawing and scribing

"The Civic Council on European Democracy" Live online drawing and scribing

"Neuropatic Pain" Visual Thinking Animated Video

Website Arena Social /Sopa Events illustrations

UN "Climate Change Conference" (COP25) Live graphic recording

"The European Anti-Poverty Network" online International Event 2021

Illustrated Energy Cards Game

"Spatial Planning Conference" graphic recording and design thinking

PEX Philanthropy Europe Conference 2021 Visual Harvesting and Magazine

"European Visual Practicioners (EVP) Meeting" Visual harvesting

Nesi Forum Visual Harvest and Live Magazine

Social Enterpreneurship Event "Sopa" graphic harvesting

"Weall Wellbeing Guide" illustrtations

"International Non Violent Communication (NVC)" Online Conference Visual Harvesting

Wiwi's Sustainable Fashion Show Graphic Facilitation

Visual Campaign for "Fiesta de la Trashumancia 2018"

"Sociedades Laborales" Event 2023 In person digital graphic recording

Pitch "Farmidable" visual harvesting

"Safe conversations steps" illustration

Training of trainers "Health and Migration" illustrated manual and graphic facilitation

SenseTribe website illustrations

"Sociocracy 3.0" Workshop social media visuals

"Sustainable Lightning" Illustrated Guide